
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

IT Modernization Goes Beyond The Apps


Excepts from the Kyndryl sponsored Forrester Study on IT Modernization challenges and Benefits

Key Challenges faced by the organizations Modernizing

  1. Nearly half of those surveyed say their operating models prevent them from making quick decisions based on changes to the business. 
  2. Only 55 percent said they can effectively scale their operations when needed. 
  3. And nearly half said they struggle to control and predict IT costs in the cloud, a common site (though not an exclusive one) for organizations’ modernization exercises.
  4. In many cases, old infrastructure, including aging IBM i and System Z servers and applications, are holding organizations back, Grama says.

“It’s not surprising to hear the outcome of that study,” he says. “A lot of these guys have really old infrastructure. 

  1. They have old monolithic application written on legacy technologies that don’t lend themselves to modernization at any level. 
  2. There’s complexity, there’s sprawl.  Every one of them has had sprawl built up over the last many decades. 
  3. And they don’t understand exactly what they have, and in cases they don’t particularly have the most accurate source code. 
  4. Their applications are not agile, their infrastructures are very static, they don’t use things like infrastructure as code, etcetera.”
  5. Global firms are suffering from IT inefficiency, a lack of innovation, and a lack of malleability to get new business models.

Skill Shortage:
According to the Forrester study, 42 percent of respondents said their organizations don’t’ have the right skill sets to manage its current operations, 34 percent said their organization requires too many skilled workers, and about one-third said they struggle to retain employees.

Benefits derived from Transformation:

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