
Friday, February 29, 2008

Learning knowledge management from Ramayan and Mahabharat

Epics of India, Ramayan and Mahabharata, war ends not with celebration of victory but with transmission of knowledge . In the Ramayan, Ravan lies mortally wounded on the battlefield and the monkeys are celebrating their victory, when Ram turns to his brother , Lakshman, and says, “While Ravan was a brute, he was also a great scholar. Go to him quickly and request him to share whatever knowledge he can.”
The obedient Lakshman rushes to Ravan’s side and whispers in his ears, “Demonking , all your life you have taken not given. Now the noble Ram gives you an opportunity to mend your ways. Share your vast wisdom. Do not let it die with you. For that you will be surely be blessed.”
Ravan responds by simply turning away. An angry Lakshman goes back to Ram and says: “He is as arrogant as he always was, too proud to share anything.” Ram looks at his brother and asks him softly, “Where did you stand while asking him for knowledge?” “Next to his head so that I hear what he had to say clearly.” Ram smiles, places his bow on the ground and walks to where Ravan lies. Lakshman watches in astonishment as his brother kneels at Ravan’s feet. With palms joined, with extreme humility, Ram says, “Lord of Lanka, you abducted my wife, a terrible crime for which I have been forced to punish you. Now, you are no more my enemy. I see you now as you are known across the world, as the wise son of Rishi Vishrava. I bow to you and request you to share your wisdom with me. Please do that for if you die without doing so, all your wisdom will be lost forever to the world.” To Lakshman’s surprise, Ravan opens his eyes and raises his arms to salute Ram, “If only I had more time as your teacher than as your enemy. Standing at my feet as a student should, unlike your rude younger brother, you are a worthy recipient of my knowledge. I have very little time so I cannot share much but let me tell you one important lesson I have learnt in my life. Things that are bad for you seduce you easily; you run towards them impatiently. But things which are actually good for always fail to attract you; you shun them creatively, finding powerful excuses to justify your procrastination . That is why I was impatient to abduct Sita but avoided meeting you. This is the wisdom of my life, Ram. My last words. I give it to you.” With these words, Ravan dies.

There’s similar knowledge transmission after the Mahabharat war is over and the Kauravas are all dead. As the victorious Pandavas are about to assume control of Hastinapur, Krishna advises them to talk to Bhisma, their grand uncle, who lies mortally wounded on the battlefield. As a result of a blessing, death would elude him for some time. “Make him talk until his last breath. Ask him questions. He has a lot to tell,” says Krishna. Sure enough, when prompted , the dying Bhisma spends hours discussing various topics: history, geography, politics, economics , management, war, ethics, morality, sex, astronomy , metaphysics and spirituality . Bhisma’s discourse is captured in the Shanti Parva (discussions of peace) and Anushasan Parva (discussions on discipline) that makes up a quarter of the Mahabharata. After listening to their grandsire, the Pandavas have a better understanding of the world, and this makes them better kings.

Long has this knowledge drain been recognised. Over the past decade, a whole new business process known as knowledge management has evolved that seeks to harness, store, transmit this knowledge . Every CEO agrees that it is a valuable business process, that investment in it is critical. Policies have been made, people have been hired and systems have been deployed.
Unfortunately, for all the initial enthusiasm, implementation has been lacking. Unlike retrieving cash, retrieving knowledge from employees, both current and future, is not easy. Often because they are like Sahadeva. Sahadeva was the youngest Pandava and, in the South Indian Mahabharata, he is described as an expert in many predictive sciences such as astrology , palmistry and face reading. But he is cursed: if he ever gave any information voluntarily , his head will split into a thousand pieces. That is why he is silent throughout the epic.
He knows every fortune and misfortune that his family will go through, but he can never use his knowledge to forewarn anyone. When Yudhishtira finally learns of his brother’s prowess he is furious. “Why did you not tell me all that you knew?” All he gets in response is Sahadeva’s silence. Most employees in an organisation are Sahadevas. Sahadevas are of two types: either they are unwilling to share their knowledge or they don’t have the means to do so. The former category knows that knowledge is power and will not give it away under any
circumstances. The latter category is willing to share knowledge but either no one asks them for it or there is no system where they can make it available for others.

Knowledge Management is leadership driven. Only a Ram, not a Laskhman can do it. He must first believe in it. He must respect the fact that everyone in his organisation, even those who he does not particularly like, are repositories of great wisdom – not only knowledge of things that work but also knowledge of things that do not work. He must make conscious efforts to capture as much of it as possible. The simplest method is talking to people, while they are on the job and especially when they are leaving the organisation . An exit interviews must never be a ritual. Neither must it be an exercise to just get the venom out nor an exercise to expose the underbelly that has prompted the resignation. It must be a concerted effort to gather what was the knowledge acquired between joining and leaving the organisation. Interviews work if the organisation is mall. As the organisation grows in size one needs a more formal system, at
the very least a simple archival system managed by a clerk or secretary but on a larger scale, a sophisticated knowledge repository , a kind of electronic cupboard where at least the final version of presentations, documents and spreadsheets of key business events can be stored.
This sounds very logical but most organisations do not do this. The effort involved is huge and the rewards are neither immediate nor tangible. A brand manager joining a reputed FMCG company, for example, once discovered that they did not have the brand deck (plans, tools, research, messages) of the past five years of a key product . What the organisation did have is the financial numbers – but not a clear history of marketing messages it had put out before the consumer. Previous brand managers had handed over all documents to someone and it was kept somewhere. But no one knew who that someone was and what that somewhere was. In the absence of a simple archiving system, the new brand manager had to collate all brand related background information from scratch so that he could define the future brand positioning. A fully avoidable waste of energy and resources. Every organisation has a very powerful Finance Department that works round the clock to keep an eye on money flowing in and out of the organisation . Internal and external auditors, controllers and accountants keep a hawk’s
eye on every bill and purchase order. But not even a fraction of that energy is used by companies to manage their knowledge. This indicates that most organisations do not believe that Lakshmi follows Saraswati: they do not believe that existence of knowledge systems improve efficiency and effectiveness and can provide raw materials to provoke new ideas or prevent old mistakes. Unless a leader believes that Saraswati is critical , he will end up with an organisation of Sahadevas.
Take a step back. Check if you are creatively shunning this rather tedious matter of knowledge management. If you are, then remember the wise words of Ravan: it must be actually good for you.
Coutesey: Economic Times dated 21st December 2007

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Australians really suck...

First of all accept my apologies if anybody got offended. But yes I literally mean this.
We all have been watching the recent developments in Australia. These A(u)ssies are literally getting to the nerves now.

Someday Symond has problems with the word 'Monkey', and Harbhajan gets punished. Some other day Hayden calls Harbhajan as 'Obnoxious weed', no action taken.
Ishant bowls Symonds, utter few words, Ishant gives back in Symonds style, but again Ishant gets punished. Guys this is getting too much now.
Today I read Hayden calling Harbhajan as 'Obnoxious weed'. He is also asking Ishant Sharma to focus on his game as he is just 21, meet him in the boxing ring. Mr. Hayden not sure what you meant by all this,but you are undermining Harbhajan for being from small time village, or for his not so important contributions, then you should think twice. But do you know your worth in IPL and do you know how much Harbhajan/Ishant cost? They will purchase 5-6 more Haydens with Harbhajan and Ishant's worth. Jtake it lightly, no offense please. Also did you forget your (Australia's) own roots? Do you know about your anscestors? I heard you people are descendents of all thugs, robbers, slaves which Britton wanted to get rid a long time agao. You thiefs survived and yes you are somewhat better in sports field. But has the success gone to your heads now? Why do you have to use this intimidating tactis against the opponents? You use the same dirty tactis almost against everybody and all the time. It almost became an habit. Yu almost ruined muralidharan. Nobody even gave it back to you. But interesting thing is you have issues when others (india) started giving it back to you in your own style. SORRY folks...
During the Sydney test match, Harbhajan patted Bret Lee, which was objected by Symond(key). You very well said it is not allowed on the field. We accepted.
During the Sydney one day match, on your dismissal you uttered few words. Ishant Sharma like everybody assumed that you were not happy and uttered abusive words. He simply showed you the place. Now you are saying you had praised him for his fine bowling. Come on Symonds, showing double standards.
One more thing Symonds, do you have any real problem in your life. I mean anything happened in your past. Because why you have to be part of every controversy. may be with harbhajan, Ishant Sharma, with Indian crowd. Also I sugget you are perfect fit for the WWF matches. I guess you chose wrong profession. You should have been facing KHALI and not Harbhajan. Think mate think...
India, guys please give them back. Be aggressive. Start sledging. I know bit difficult for you to win matches, but let's atleast win this game of sledging.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saren Zameen Par...

All those who saw yesterday's match will definitely agree with me that this blog deserves no better title. Australians literally crushed us. I was praying if there was any possibility of Rain @ MCG.
I had one preplanned meeting at 3.00 PM. I just postponed it for the India - Australia 20-20 match.
After the so called superb performance of our GREAT Indian Team in the recent test series, like everybody I also had big hopes from our stars. Why not, after all they are the so called world champions of the shorter version of the game. Sorry they were the champions of the game. But yesterday I saw the very champions coming down one after another from the cloud NINE. All the super(stars) came down to earth.
Mr Gambhir, Mr. Uthapa, Mr. Rohit Sharma, Dhoom dhoom Dhoni, And the big mouth Shrisanth just landed straight on earth.

Guys what I was saying,I had post poned my 3.00 PM meeting to 5.00 Pm so that I could enjoy the cricket match. Thought of having the lunch while watching the match and had other big plans. But what plans.Like the Indian team, my plans also came crashing like a pack of cards.
I had left my desk at 2.10 PM. By the time I reached for lunch, switched on TV I had imagined something like 5 overs 100 runs. But to my surprise (actually I should not have been surprized), it was 5 overs some 5 wickets and 32 runs. I quickly switched off the TV. Somehow grabbed my lunch and was back to my desk again 2.45 PM. At 3.15 PM Somebody from my team yelled 'India all out for 74 and Aussies are well on course of reaching the target'. I tried to neglect and tried to concentrate on my work.
I was still repenting why the hell did I postpone my meeting? Don't know. I knew Aussies will win this time. But atleast I was expecting a good game of cricket. Few big hits, few sixers. Nothing more. Forget big hits, there were only 3 boundaries in the whole innings. I didn't watch the world cup (except the final). After the world cup exit earlier, I had drifted away from cricket and our inconsistent players. But the world cup win again pulled me back.
I always wonder why this happenes only with the Indian team. Look at Australia, whenever they lose (hardly I remember any matches they have lost), but they lose in style. They they will try till the end. They never give up. They win 16 matches in a row. They try to break their own record of consecutive wins. Whereas our team, we win few matches and lose many. We win matches only against Bangladesh, Zembabwe, Kenya. We will only in India (where the pitches help us). We don't lose only when rain GOD is happy.
Moreover these 1 or 2 wins are sufficient to make our players the heroes over the night. Then again no guarantee if they will repeat the same performance in future. Mr Joginder Sharma, Mr Yusuf pathan our 20-20 World Cup heroes where are they? I heard Joginder got married immediately after the world cup final. because he himself was not sure if he will ever get an opportunity to play again, forget performance . ha ha ha.

India's performance is really disappointing and frustrating. I have decided, I will not waste my time again. But again soemewhere I know, that is not possible...

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