
Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear Home Minister Buck Can't Stop Here!

Sir, we are watching this drama for past 1 year or so. Earlier Mr. Shivraj Patil ran away after monitoring some 6-8 bomb blasts which killed some thousand plus people. It's just one incident, some 75 odd died and you are running away. Mr Patil appears to be more strong than you. He almost managed the complete 5 year term.
Mr Chidambaram, Appreciate you taking ownership and offering to resign. But running away from your responsibilities is definitely not the solution of the problem. This will creates many more problems. This is a cowardly act infact.
What are you trying to achieve? Win over us? how will that help?
Plz don't let these Maoists treat this as a moral victory and don't let our Jawans' down.
if we ourselves can't handle these internal enemies, how can we even think of managing the much bigger threat from the terrorists. :-)
Look at our smaller neighbour Sri Lanka. They have cleaned the country. LTTE was much much bigger threat. But lanka had the desire and they were determined.
Kindly give a strong response. You are not allowed to run away from the problem, but rarther fix the problem.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Comeon Sania give us a break!

It's none of my business to decide whom Sania should marry and what she should do post marriage. It's her personal affair.Morever marriages are said to have been made in heaven.

However being a responsible citizen of this great country, I do have my responsibilities and I would like to voice my opinion against Sania's wish of playing for India post marriage.

How can Sania even think of playing for India after marrying a foreign national. Her loyalties will definitely change and should change. Can definitely talk about Sania.(Isn't it right Mr.Sohrab?). Moreover she is becoming a national of country which is harbouring terrorism and which is at loggerheads with India for ages.

I can also understand that love has no boundaries. But being a responsible citizen, one should be sensible and understand the responsibilities.

26/11 is still fresh in our minds. I don't think anyone has forgotten or should forget. We have snapped all ties with Pakistan. Talking about sports, We have even stopped pakistanis to play in IPL. Sania's would be husband is barred from playing in Indian Premier League (he is even barred for 1 year by his own country. :-)).

Then how can his Pakistani wife play for India?

Sania, you think you are too smart and we are not. Playing for India means money, endorsements which you can never imagine from Pakistan. You are really smart. And finally you will settle in Dubai.

Comeone Sania, now plz give us a break.

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While exploring Knowledge Graphs, I came across Tony Seale's insightful series on Embracing Complexity -  a fascinating read! "...T...